Previous Workshops

“Try It Out”

The Feldenkrais Method can:

  • Help you learn to move with ease & efficiency
  • Improve your posture & breathing
  • Decrease pain, increase flexibility & balance

Where and When?

Saturday 30 May 2015 – 1-4pm (registration 12.30pm)
Yoga in Daily Life, 1st Floor, 80 Sixth Ave Maroochydore

How Much?IMG_1866a

$50 prepay before 21 May
(or $80 prepay for two)

We will explore:

* Feldenkrais & mindfulness
* Feldenkrais & sport

[pullquote]“I feel I’ve had a grease & oil change!”
“I feel taller & more stable on my feet”
“So gentle & relaxing”
“My golf swing has improved”[/pullquote]

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EyeWorkshop Printable Brochure


EyeWorkshop Printable Brochure

Polio Australia, Health and Wellness Retreat, Sunshine Coast


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